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dc.creatorM. Salgado
dc.creatorD. Zuloaga
dc.creatorG. Bernal
dc.creatorL. Yamín
dc.creatorO. Cardona
dc.identifier.citationM. Salgado, D. Zuloaga, G. Bernal, L. Yamín, O. Cardona. (2012). Strong ground motion signal selection consistent ith local seismic hazard levels. Applications in 3 cities in Colombia . Liboa. 15 WCEE
dc.description.sponsorshipITEC CAPRA-DRM, Universidad de Los Andes
dc.formatDigital (.pdf)
dc.publisher15 WCEE
dc.sourceinstname:Unidad Nacional para la Gestión del Riesgo de Desastresspa
dc.sourcereponame:Repositorio Institucional Unidad Nacional para la Gestión del Riesgo de Desastresspa
dc.subjectEarthquake scenarios
dc.subjectprobabilistic seismic hazard assessment
dc.subjectacceleration time-histories
dc.titleStrong ground motion signal selection consistent ith local seismic hazard levels. Applications in 3 cities in Colombia
dc.type.spaArtículo de conferencia
dc.description.abstractenglishAdequate selection of time-histories for earthquake engineering applications is needed in order to obtain recordings consistent with local seismic hazard conditions. Identifying the different sources contributing for an specific zone of interest using spectral attenuation relationships and calculating the uniform hazard spectrum (UHS) for each of them it is possible to define Magnitude (M) - Distance (R) pairs to use real accelerographs available on numerous global databases at stations located in rock or stiff soil and on free-ground conditions. Results for three cities are obtained from the national seismic hazard study conducted in 2010 in terms of UHS for 475 years return period using spectral attenuation relationships and using a multi-parameter methodology MR range pairs for the following cities: Bogotá, Cali and Manizales.

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