Update on the probabilistic modelling of natural risks at global level: Global risk model 

      International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering; INGENIAR Ltda (International Strategy for Disaster Risk Reduction - UNISDR, 2015)
      This background paper presents the probabilistic seismic hazard assessment methodology and results for the Global Risk Assessment of the UNISDR s Global Assessment Report on Disaster Risk Reduction 2015 (GAR15). An update ...

      Urban risk assessments 

      The World Bank (The World Bank, 2011)
      The rapid and often unplanned expansion of cities is exposing a greater number of people and economic assets to the risk of disasters and the effects of climate change. For city governments, increased climate variability ...

      Zonificación de amenazas por inundaciones a escala 1:2000 y 1:5000 en áreas urbanas para 10 municipios del territorio colombiano 

      Instituto de Estudios Ambientales y Meteorológicos - IDEAM; Universidad Nacional de Colombia (Instituto de hidrología, meteorología y estudios ambientales - IDEAM, Departamento de Geociencias y Medio Ambiente - Facultad de Minas - UNAL, 2013)
      El presente documento corresponde al informe final del proyecto: ZONIFICACIÓN DE AMENAZAS POR INUNDACIÓNES A ESCALA 1:2.000 y 1:5.000 EN ÁREAS URBANAS PARA DIEZ MUNICIPIOS DEL TERRITORIO COLOMBIANO IDEAM-Universidad ...